
Behind the Zines: Self-publishing Culture: 

Robert Klanten (Author, Editor), A. Mollard (Editor), 

M. Hubner (Editor)

Whatcha Mean, What's a Zine?: The Art of Making Zines and Mini Comics: 

Esther Pearl Watson (Author), Mark Todd (Author)

Indie Publishing: How to Design and Produce Your Own Book: 

Ellen Lupton (Author)

Make a Zine: When Words & Graphics Collide: 

Bill Brent (Author), Joe Biel (Author)

Everyday Fun Book: Lots of Exciting, Educational Games & Puzzles: 

Marshall Cavendish (Author)

The Kingfisher Book of Comic Verse: 

Roger McGough (Selected by)

Children's Picturebooks: The Art of Visual Storytelling: 

Martin Salisbury (Author), Morag Styles (Author)

The Art of Maurice Sendak: 

Selma G.Lanes (Author)

Writing and Illustrating Children's Books for Publication, Two Perspectives: 

Berthe Amoss (Author), Eric Suben (Author)

Writing a Children's Book: 

Pamela Cleaver (Author)

How to Write and Illustrate Children's Books and Get Them Published: 

Treld Pelkey Bicknell (Consultant Editor), Felicity Trotman (Consultant Editor)

Illustrating Children's Books: Creating Pictures for Publication: 

Martin Salisbury (Author)

I Like This Poem: A collection of poems chosen by children for children in aid of The International Year of the Child: 

Kaye Webb (Editor)

Hurry, Hurry Mary Dear & Other Nonsense Poems: 

N.M.Bodecker (Author)

Every Thing On It: Poems and Drawings: 

Shel Silverstein (Author)

A Light in the Attic: Poems and Drawings: 

Shel Silverstein (Author)

Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings: 

Shel Silverstein (Author)

The Craft of Paper Cutting:

Angelika Hahn (Author)

The Book of Paper Cutting: A Complete Guide to all the Techniques

Chris Rich (Author)

Traditional Paper Cutting: The Art of Scherenschnitte

Susanne Schlapfer-Geiser  (Author)

Paper Cutting: Contemporary Artists, Timeless Craft

Laura Heyenga (Compiled by), Rob Ryan (Preface), Natalie Avella (Introduction by)

Milly Molly Mandy's Things to Make and Do:

Based on the stories by Joyce Lankester Brisley (Author)

Higglety Picclety Pop! Or There Must Be More To Life

Maurice Sendak (Illustrator and Author)

Kenny's Window:

Maurice Sendak (Illustrator and Author)

Illustrated Children's Books:

Anthony Browne (Preface), Peter Hunt (Introduction)

Forgetful Fred:

Jay Williams (Author), Friso Henstra (Illustrator)

School for Sillies:

Jay Williams (Author), Friso Henstra (Illustrator)

Belle & Boo and the Birthday Surprise:

Mandy Sutcliffe (Author & Illustrator)

Popshot Magazine, The Birth Issue: Short Stories, Poetry, Illustration

Alphabets: A Miscellany of Letters:

David sacks (Introduction)

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