Sunday 16 September 2012

Further font findings...

The garish colouring of the spam logo that had so inspired me, as mentioned in an earlier post, was reminding me of something else, I just couldn't put my finger on it.  Then whilst doing something mundane, my brain slotted into place and reminded me of Edward Ruscha and his 'OOF' which he painted in 1962.  Once that kicked in I suddenly remembered all the Pop Artists of that era whose work I've always really loved.  I thought I'd have a look and see which ones may be particularly relevant and this is what I came up with:

Another by the brilliant Edward Ruscha, also painted in 1962

Edward Ruscha, 1964

Of course it wasn't only Ruscha who used font as subject matter, I also love these paintings by Robert Indiana:




And finally, the genius that is Sir Peter Blake:

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