Tuesday 18 September 2012


Well, WHAT an exciting package arrived all the way from the good old U.S. of A today:

The most joyful pile of children's magazines from the 1940's - 'Directed Play Moulds Character' - I love the colour choices and the way they're printed.  They're pretty big (35cm by 26cm), which is far larger than I want to do, but the fonts and graphics are seriously pleasing.  I'm going to have a good read through them and try and choose some good page examples to put up on here - but in the meantime, I think the covers are pretty lovely in themselves... It does keep coming up that American children's magazines are consistently better.  I spoke with one of my tutors today who remembers having a weekly magazine that he loved as a child - amazingly he's kept them and is going to bring some in for me to look through - and he's from the UK, so maybe he can prove me wrong!

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